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1Who can sell a vehicle in Tasmania?

To sell a vehicle you must be the vehicle’s registered operator or have permission to sell the vehicle.

The registered operator is the person/entity that's listed on the vehicle’s registration certificate.

If you are not the registered operator you must provide the buyer written permission to sell the vehicle. This must be in the form of a statutory declaration completed by the registered operator.

If you are selling a vehicle registered in joint names both operators must sign all documents involved in the selling process.

2What do I need to do to sell my vehicle?

  1. Check if you need to return or transfer any number plates.
    • Do you have any bike rack plates for this vehicle?
    • Do you have TasPlates attached to the vehicle?
  2. Submit a disposal notice by:
    • The online disposal portal, you will need:
      • Vehicle Registration number
      • VIN/Chassis number
      • surname of both buyer and seller or organisation's name
      • date of disposal (sold)
      • selling price or market price (whichever is higher) of the vehicle
      • if either the seller or the buyer is an individual person they must have a Tasmanian driver licence
      • for Motor Dealers and Organisations they must have a Motor Registry Customer Identification Number (CIN)
      • link to Online disposal portal


Please note

If you, or the buyer, choose to complete part of the process online, the other party can still complete the paper form and submit at Service Tasmania.

3How long do I have to submit the disposal notice?

The disposal must be submitted within seven days of the sale.

You will not receive any automatic confirmation that it has been processed.

If you would like to make sure the vehicle is no longer listed under your name you can contact Service Tasmania allowing a week since the submission.

4What happens after I have submitted a disposal?

Your name is taken off the registration and you will no longer be responsible for the vehicle for the purpose of registration.