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Offence Legislation Leg Ref Fine $ Points Disqual-
Code Item Penalty
Cycle contrary to one-way sign unless rider of an animal, bicycle or postal vehicle riding on path or nature strip RR 98(1) 97.5 0 B708 134 0.5
Cyclist fail to keep left (contrary to sign) unless rider of an animal, bicycle or postal vehicle riding on path or nature strip RR 99(1) 146.25 0 B709 135 0.75
Cyclist fail to keep right (contrary to sign) unless rider of an animal, bicycle or postal vehicle riding on path or nature strip RR 99(2) 146.25 0 B710 136 0.75
Cyclist/animal rider (in far left lane) fail to give way to vehicle leaving roundabout RR 119 146.25 0 B774 165 0.75
Cyclist on nature strip (other than one entering a road from a road-related area or adjacent land or vice versa) fail to give way to other road users/animals on nature strip RR 289(2) 146.25 0 BB62 397 0.75
Cyclist lead animal or tether animal while riding bicycle RR 301(3) 146.25 0 BC04 417 0.75
Animal rider fail to give way to pedestrian on footpath/nature strip RR 302 97.5 0 BC05 418 0.5
Ride animal more than 2 abreast (other than on multi-lane road) RR 303(1) 146.25 0 BC07 419 0.75
Ride animal more than 2 abreast (in a marked lane) RR 303(2) 146.25 0 BC08 420 0.75
Ride animal more than 1.5 metres abreast of another animal rider RR 303(4) 146.25 0 BC09 421 0.75
PMD user carry another person or animal RR 244M 146.25 0 PM15 328O 0.75
Riding an animal-drawn vehicle at night or in weather reduced visibility conditions without required lighting and reflector RR 223 195 0 E046 278 1
Drive with a person or animal in the driver's lap RR 297(1A) 195 0 V077 409 1
Ride motor bike or quad bike with animal on motor bike that interferes with rider's control or prevents clear view of road RR 297(3) 195 0 V078 411 1
Lead animal or tether animal while driving motor vehicle RR 301(1) 146.25 0 V108 415 0.75
Passenger lead animal whilst in/on moving motor vehicle RR 301(2) 146.25 0 V109 416 0.75
Stop (other than cyclist/animal rider) on bicycle path/footpath/shared path/dividing strip or nature strip (other than own) in built-up area when not permitted RR 197(1) 97.5 0 F072 244 0.5
Drive contrary to one-way sign unless rider of a postal vehicle, bicycle or animal riding on path or nature strip RR 98(1) 195 2 D219 134 1
Fail to keep left (contrary to sign) unless rider of a postal vehicle, bicycle or animal riding on path or nature strip RR 99(1) 195 2 D220 135 1
Fail to keep right (contrary to sign) unless rider of a postal vehicle, bicycle or animal riding on path or nature strip RR 99(2) 195 2 D221 136 1
Fail to keep to left of oncoming vehicles as required unless rider of an animal, bicycle or postal vehicle riding on path or nature strip RR 131 243.75 2 M140 181 1.25
Driver on path (other than cyclist or driver entering a road from a road-related area or adjacent land or vice versa) fail to give way to other road users/animals on path RR 288(4) 195 3 G260 396 1
Driver on nature strip (other than animal rider or driver entering a road from a road-related area or adjacent land or vice versa) fail to give way to other road users/animals on nature strip RR 289(2) 195 3 G262 397 1
Fail to stop/remain stopped as directed on approaching restive/alarmed animals RR 361(3) 146.25 0 D279 435 0.75
Driver discriminate against a passenger with assistance animal PTSR 16 | 18(b) 292.5 P314 1.5
Passenger with animal unpermitted by law PTSR 24(4)(e) 195 PT66 1