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The following videos are also available in Hazaragi, Mandarin, Nepali and Oromo languages.

1Speed limits

Please note that there is a now a single learner period and the maximum learner speed limit referred to in this video for driving on a highway has now changed to a maximum of 90km/h. All other speed limits in the video remain correct.

2Dividing lines

3Signage and other markings


5Overtaking and distance

6Health and wellbeing

7Rules for L1 drivers

Please note that the maximum learner speed limit referred to in this video has now changed to 90km/h for all learners, and there is now a single learner period.

The other rules listed in this video still apply to learner drivers, however, some additional rules have since been introduced.

8Towing a vehicle

9Left Something Behind Exercise

10Turning Right At Lights

11What to bring to your Driving Assessment

Please note there is now a new learner logbook. However, if you have completed the logbook shown in this video, it will still be accepted at your P1 assessment.

12Rural Driving


14Getting to know your vehicle

15Vehicle Roadworthiness

16Blind Spots and Mirrors

17Buying and Selling a Car



20Zip Merging

21Supervising a learner to drive

Please note that the Supervisory Driver Handbook is no longer used. This information is now available in the learner logbook and on the supervisory driver tips page.

The information within this video, and the Supervisory Driver Handbook, if you still have a copy of this, is still relevant and useful to assist supervisory drivers.

22Parallel Reverse Parking

23Single Continuous Lines

24Secure Loads

25Traffic Flow