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The Department of State Growth remains responsible for approving temporary traffic management devices for use on Tasmania public roads.


To lodge an AITDSA submission, please visit the Austroads website.

2Approved devices

To view devices approved for use on public roads in Tasmania, please check the Tasmanian Register of Approved Temporary Traffic Management Devices.

For a new and/or improved device to be considered for use on State roads, applicants must follow the following process:

  • Submit requests for assessment of a new or improved device via email to the Temporary Traffic Management mailbox:
  • Provide details of the device and, confirmation that it has been assessed and recommended for use by AITDSA

Approval of a device does not negate the need for relevant permits or approvals to be obtained for activities on the road network. For works on State Roads, refer to the Transport website for links to permit and approval types. Local Councils and other road authorities will have separate permit and approval processes.

3Approval process

  • TIG Temporary Traffic Management Working Group (TIG TTMWG) receives the request and comes to a decision on whether the device is acceptable to use in a Tasmanian context
  • Recommendation to either approve or deny use made to CEO Infrastructure Tasmania (ITas)
  • The Department will notify industry of approved or withdrawn devices via the State Roads Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) mailing list.

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4More information

For information on the AITDSA Scheme, please visit Austroads website.

If you have any local enquiries, please contact the Temporary Traffic Management mailbox via email:


As part of the National Harmonisation of Temporary Traffic Management Practice, the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) proposed the development of a national approach to:

  • recognise new and innovative devices used in temporary traffic management environments
  • relieve jurisdictions of the burden of assessing and approving TTM devices
  • provide a harmonised approach to the recognition of approved TTM devices across all Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions
  • enable the sharing of knowledge and practical experience between Austroads member agencies and their use of traffic control devices.

The Austroads Innovative Temporary Traffic Management Device and Solution Assessment (AITDSA) responds to the emergence of new technologies, innovative solutions and devices that can improve safety at work sites.