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Before lodging an application,  applicants should review the SRRP Guidelines in detail to ensure eligibility and understand applicant requirements.

1Eligibility and Assessment Criteria

Under the SRRP there are both Eligibility Criteria and Assessment Criteria. All Eligibility Criteria must be met for an application to be eligible. Each application will be assessed against the Assessment Criteria.

Eligibility Criteria for applicants

An applicant must:

  • be a Tasmanian Municipal Council (i.e., a local government in Tasmania)
  • support an application with a co-contribution or provide an explanation on why providing a co-contribution is not appropriate or viable.

Eligibility Criteria for applications

An application must propose works:

  • that are infrastructure treatments
  • on a specific corridor and address identified road safety risk/s on that corridor
  • on a road that is owned by either the Tasmanian Government or the local government (as the applicant) that is:
    • primarily within the Remoteness Areas* of either Outer Regional Australia, Remote Australia, or Very remote Australia
  • with detailed designs and a schedule for delivery
  • that are a new project
    • example: works must not have commenced or be extensions of a current project
  • that are not infrastructure maintenance activities
  • valued at less than or equal to $600,000 and more than or equal to $10,000
  • that do not include an allocation for the funding of administration costs, either directly or incurred.

*Note: Remoteness Areas as defined by 1270.0.55.005 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 5 - Remoteness Structure, July 2016.

Assessment Criteria

Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • The likelihood of a crash occurring, based on exposure rates (i.e., traffic volume data), and the likely consequence of such a crash.
  • The potential crash reduction benefit(s) of the proposed infrastructure treatment.
  • Application of the Austroads Safe System Assessment Framework.
  • Level of co-contribution from the applicant, or validity of explanation for why co-contribution is not appropriate or viable.
  • Cost-effectiveness of the project.


Funding will be awarded through a Grant Deed between the successful applicant and the Department of State Growth (on behalf of the Crown of Tasmania).

Funding will be provided across two payments of 50 per cent of the Grant. The first instalment will be paid upon approval of finalised plans. The second and final instalment will be paid on completion of the Grant acquittal process.

Alternative funding instalments may be considered to support project delivery but will be considered for exceptional circumstances only.


Successful Applicants will be required to provide quarterly progress updates through SmartyGrants. Quarterly progress updates will require applicants to report on their progress delivering approved works, expenditure, and any delivery issues.

The quarterly reporting process in SmartyGrants has been designed to make fulfilling reporting obligations as efficient and as simple as possible.

The Department of State Growth has introduced this requirement to ensure that State Growth can support applicants with project delivery issues they may face, as soon as possible.

4Announcements and Media

Applicants can administer any publicity (e.g., media and announcements) relating to a successful application at their own discretion.

State Growth welcomes any opportunities to collaborate with successful applicants on publicity matters relating to SRRP projects. Please see our contact information to get in touch to discuss opportunities further.


An acquittal is a statement made by a Grant Recipient, confirming that the Grant funding was used as per the Grant Deed. Unless otherwise stated, it is a requirement that all Department of State Growth Grants are acquitted.

To commence the acquittal process successful applicants are required to notify State Growth of the completion of their project. An acquittal form will then be provided to recipients using SmartyGrants.

The acquittal form will ask for information relating to the delivery of the Grant and associated expenditures. Evidence such as quotations, invoices, receipts, statements, reports, photos etc., are also required to support the acquittal.