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Working very closely with the Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) we make sure that areas with a high risk of fire are well maintained. If we get advice from the TFS about a particular stretch of road, we will work with them to address their concerns and manage the risk of fire.

Why do we mow?

Mowing and controlling grass, weeds and small trees by the roadside helps:

  • make sure vehicles have enough room to travel safely
  • drivers to see safe distances in front of and behind them
  • reduce the risk of falling trees or branches
  • manage weeds
  • reduce the risk of fire spreading.

Roadside trees and plants

Managing plants and trees near the road helps us make sure people have safe sight distances and enough space to travel safely. It also helps us manage invasive weeds and the risk of falling trees or branches.  We regularly audit roads to identify trees and other vegetation that could be dangerous to road users, and check any trees that people have reported to us.

When we asses a tree we look at a lot of different factors, including the safety of every one who uses the road, safe sight distances and the environmental and/or cultural significance of the trees. We then do the appropriate tree works to keep road users safe.

If you’ve seen a tree near a state road that is a risk to road users, please phone 1300 139 933.

Trees of environmental or heritage significance

Older and heritage trees are an important part of Tasmania’s identity, and trees provide important habitat for Tasmanian wildlife.

If a significant tree is assessed as a major risk to safety, we look at options such as preservation, trimming, relocation or planting replacement trees before any decision is made to remove the tree.

Invasive species

If we find weeds near the road, we may work with other groups to manage them under the Weed Management Act 1999.

The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment maintains a list of weeds declared under the Act.

Find out more about how we manage weeds here: Managing our environment.