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The new taxi drivers program is designed to help the taxi industry to recruit Tasmanians to become taxi drivers. The financial support through a grant is intended to cover the costs associated with entry into the industry as a taxi driver.

1What is offered?

  • Taxi networks and operators can apply for grants based on the number of new drivers they think can be reasonably identified up to 10 new drivers.
  • The value of the grant will be between $600 for one new driver, and $6 000 for 10 new drivers to cover the costs of entry into the taxi industry
  • Taxi operators and taxi network business can apply for a grant amount based on the number of new drivers they think can reasonably be identified, up to the maximum of 10 per operator/network business
  • The fund is limited to a total of $60 000.

2Eligibility criteria

The taxi network or operator must:

  • have an ABN
  • be registered for GST if the business has a GST turnover (gross income from all businesses minus GST) of $75 000 per year or more
  • be operating in Tasmania, and
  • if a taxi operator, hold passenger transport service operator accreditation.

If deemed eligible and offered a grant, recipients will be required to agree to:

  • Provide evidence of new drivers being given at least one shift after obtaining their ancillary certificate (taxi).
  • not charge the new taxi driver any direct or indirect costs or charges in connection with making or lodging the application for the grant.

4Application period?

The third round is open until 30 June 2024 or until all funds are committed.