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1What is a probationary licence?

If you’ve been disqualified from driving, you can be issued with a licence that has licence conditions on it based on your driving history. This is done by our Case Management programs

2What is a restricted licence?

A restricted driving licence enables you to continue to drive with certain licence conditions when you would be otherwise not be entitled to drive. Unlike probationary licences, restricted licences are approved by the court

3Who can apply for a restricted licence?

Restricted licences can be granted to you if you are:

  • a driver convicted of an offence in Australia who is disqualified from driving
  • a provisional licence holder and your licence was not cancelled due to an alcohol related offence
  • not eligible for a Period of Good Behaviour.

If you are a learner driver or eligible for a period of good behaviour, you can’t be issued a restricted licence.

4How do I get a restricted licence?

You or your legal representative can apply for a restricted licence using the application form available on the Magistrates Court website. You then need to:

  • provide the application form to the Court of Petty Sessions, and
  • ensure that notice of the application is lodged with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles and police prosecution at least seven days prior to the date of the court hearing.

If you are approved, you must go to Service Tasmania and supply:

  • the court order
  • full Evidence of Identity
  • your existing photo licence (if not already returned)
  • proof of return of licence.

You will also have to pay a court filing fee and a licence fee.

5What are licence conditions?

Licence conditions can be imposed on your licence that can affect how, when and where you can drive. When receiving your licence, you will be informed of any conditions that will be imposed on you licence. Conditions can include:

  • times when you can drive
  • where you can drive
  • the maximum number of demerit points allowed
  • a zero blood-alcohol limit
  • restricted to driving for set purposes (e.g. employment or education).