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Peak commuter demand

The challenge

Although current forecasts of state population growth are modest, significant growth is expected in the greater Hobart and Launceston areas, particularly in the next 20 years.  State road network usage trends show growth in demand has been highest on arterial commuter routes.

Projected customer demand for the State road network between 2015 and 2030

Projected customer demand for the State road network between 2015 and 2030 shown in terms of change and growth in annual average daily vehicles per road category. Annual demand growth rates are generally low (less than one and a half per cent per year); however, the absolute growth in demand on urban arterial commuter routes (urban category 1) of 4000 vehicles per day by 2030 is significant for future peak commuter demand capacity.

The capacity of urban and commuter arterial state roads is expected to be acceptable for most of the day, however, peak demand capacity in the mornings and evenings will be put under increasing pressure.

These commuter arterial corridors can also become congested as a result of crashes or other traffic interruptions.

Addressing the peak commuter demand by road and/or bridge upgrades alone will result in the roads being underused for most of the day. A combination of measures need to be considered to address congestion issues at peak times including:

  • upgrading infrastructure
  • intelligent transport systems for better network management
  • public transport options

Investment Plan

By 2025, State road network upgrades will have increased the reliability of travel times on the Brooker Highway, the southern approaches to Launceston, the West Tamar Highway, the East Tamar Highway and the Bridgewater Bridge.

The Tasman Highway approaching Hobart is the most heavily used state road. A number of projects to increase capacity on this route are planned, however are subject to the findings of a recently commenced commuter origin/destination analysis.

This commuter origin/destination analysis will be a pilot to assist in the definition of capacity-related levels of service, such as an appropriate measure of travel time reliability. It will be progressively applied to Hobart and Launceston commuter arterial routes to guide the development of further upgrades to be constructed between 2025 and 2035.

View the program details (PDF 248.7 KB)

For information about the Infrastructure Investment Plan Streams, please refer to the following: