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Changes to speed limits

To find out more about how speed limits are changed, how to request a speed limit review, and view recently changed speed limits, visit our Speed Limit Changes page.

How are speed limits set?

Speed limits in Tasmania are set in accordance with Tasmanian Speed Zoning Guidelines.

View the Tasmanian Speed Zoning Guidelines here.

The Tasmanian Speed Zoning Guidelines have technical guidance on setting speed limits. This advice considers national traffic engineering practice, Tasmania’s unique features, and includes the following factors:

  • What the road is used for
  • How many people use the road
  • Roadside development, such as the number of driveways along a road
  • The type and mix of road users on the road
  • The width and alignment of the road
  • Minimising the number of times a speed limit changes in one section of road.

To make sure everyone follows the speed limit, it's important to set realistic speed limits. If a speed limit is set too low in a higher speed environment, people are less likely to obey it.  If the speed limit is too high, it can be unsafe and lead to crashes or injuries.

If a speed limit changes too much it can be confusing and lead to people not following it. Considering the speed limits of nearby areas is also important when setting speed limits. Because of this, traffic engineering guidance does not recommend changing speed limits because of specific or local hazards, like intersections, driveways, or single bends.

These situations are usually managed with warning signs or road markings in accordance with national standards.

The Australian Standard AS 1742, Part 4 outlines the national requirements for the signing of speed limits, including the type, size, layout, and positioning of signs.

Why are speed limits important?

The Tasmanian Government’s Towards Zero road safety strategy highlights the importance of speed to road safety. Safe travel speed is an important part of the Safe System approach to road safety. It recognises the higher the travel speed, the greater the chance of being involved in a crash and the consequences of a crash will be more severe. Research tells us that even small reductions (10 km/h) in travelling speeds can lead to a 25 per cent reduction in serious casualties. Lower travel speeds will make your travel times a little bit longer, but it’s a small price to pay to prevent serious injury and death on our roads.

For more information about Safer Speeds in Tasmania, please visit our Safer Speeds page.

1Are speed limits on gravel roads different?

A maximum speed limit of 80 km/h applies to all gravel roads in Tasmania unless they have a different speed limit signposted.

Drivers need to be more careful on gravel roads. Gravel roads are more at risk to changing conditions than sealed roads, so it may not always be safe to drive at the default speed limit of 80 km/hr.

If members of the public notice any issues on the State road network, they should call the State Roads 24/7 hotline on 1300 139 933. This hotline is in operation 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

All issues are logged in the system and sent to the maintenance team for action within a certain timeframe. If the issue is an urgent safety issue or hazard, the contractor is called to check the location and make it safe immediately.

2Why are there reduced speed limits on roadwork sites when I can’t see work happening?

Sometimes a lower speed limit stays in place at roadwork sites even when no obvious work is occurring.

Reasons can include:

  • workers setting up or packing down a site
  • changes to the road surface or the centre separation
  • new or no line marking on the road
  • road workers and equipment on the road or at the side of the road
  • Sometimes bad weather delaying roadworks for a long time, and so the lower speed limit must stay until the work is finished.

The pre-roadwork speed limit is the highest safe speed that can be driven on that section of the road in good conditions. When roadworks have altered the state or layout of the road, the pre-roadworks speed limit may no longer be the maximum safe speed. Where this is the case, the speed limit may be increased after hours, but not by the full amount. For example, it may be 40 km/h during working hours, and 60 km/h after hours.

Speed limits on work sites are mandatory, meaning by law you must obey the speed limit and can be fined if you do not.

The need to reduce the speed may not be obvious, but reduced speed limits are for your safety and the safety of road workers.

3What are Variable Speed Limit signs?

Variable Speed Limit signs are electronic speed limit signs that are used in some locations to change the speed limit to match the road conditions and situation.

We might change the speed limit because of a crash, an obstacle on the road, a queue of vehicles, or bad weather.

Variable Speed Limit signs are on the Tasman Highway from Liverpool Street, Hobart to the Cambridge Interchange, including the Tasman Bridge.

Variable electronic school speed signs operate across Tasmania.  The times for a school speed zone are set by each school community, so they might be different in each location.

4What do different speed signs mean?

White speed signs with a red circle around the back speed limit are mandatory speed limit signs. They show the fastest speed allowed for that section of the road. They are not a target speed. You are not allowed to go faster than the speed limit on these signs, or you may be fined.

A sign displaying 80km speed limit on a sealed road lined with bushland

Speed limit signs for road works, lane closures or special events are also white with a red circle around the back speed limit. They are also mandatory.

A sign displaying a 40km speed limit on a road with road work equipment including witches hats. A white SUV is driving past the sign.

Yellow speed signs with black writing are speed advisory signs. They are a guide to the safe speed at which you should travel.

A yellow sign next to newly planted trees says Exit  Speed 55 km/h

Tasmania Police has the power to enforce mandatory speed limits on our roads. They can fine you if you don't follow the speed limit.

Contact us

If you need further information on the setting and management of speed limits on Tasmanian roads, please contact us at